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Número Anuncio: 11225926
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 01-09-2015
Categoría:  ocio > actividades
Bringap Foodsharing Sessions Our food sharing sessions are one of our efforts to help the traveling community to connect and fund our organization. Food brings people together. Food sparks conversations. A member of Bringap community help us to host and coordinate local food testing on meals or dinners so the attenders enjoy the local culture through the experience of share the table with interesting company and meeting the people who cook the traditional local dish. Join the group and meet interesting people from all walks of life and get connected. We listen to your ideas share it with us. Join with us now and have fun. Do you what to host a Bringap Foodsharing Session on your city? Please contact us we.care@bringap.com

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Vista Normal Vista Celular/Tablet